Exploring the new neighborhood and holiday fun.

Exploring the new neighborhood and holiday fun.
First month living in Van Nuys, CA. For some reason photos didn’t sync from phone to Dropbox, so this gallery is lacking…
Chicago to San Diego road tripping and looking for somewhere to live in Los Angeles.
Packing up our Pittsburgh house, trip to Philadelphia & the start of our road trip back to California!
Fun stuff in Pittsburgh mostly.
Pittsburgh adventures and a trip to Seattle with Mom & Dad McInvale!
Started June in Corsica and then bounced between Pittsburgh, Denver, San Diego & Los Angeles the rest of the month.
Southern California Trip, adventures around Pittsburgh and a couple days in Corsica France.
Bros visit Pittsburgh, trip to San Diego & Los Angeles and road trip to Niagara Falls.
Lots of traveling this month; Lancaster with Karl for WordCamp, Colorado with Archie for snowboarding and Mexico City with Gerrick for fun. Sam, Nick & Nita came out to Pittsburgh as well. Fun fun fun.