Busy little July we had. Did some fishing with Mark, road trip to New Haven, loads of work on the gardens, and plenty of little adventures around Pittsburgh. We would have gone to Bed Bath & Beyond but we simply ran out of time.

Busy little July we had. Did some fishing with Mark, road trip to New Haven, loads of work on the gardens, and plenty of little adventures around Pittsburgh. We would have gone to Bed Bath & Beyond but we simply ran out of time.
Gardening and a couple trips to the Carolinas and Southern California.
Started the month in San Diego then a quick trip to Utah on way back to Pittsburgh. Loads of progress on the garden.
Lebanon & San Diego trips.
Colorado trip, parent’s in Pittsburgh and a couple of days from Lebanon.
Went down to Tambor Beach with Tsunami Skydivers again. This time, with 100% more Caline! Go look at last year’s photos when you’re done with these.
Was great seeing old friends and making new ones. Many adventures were had; Caline’s first tandem, scuba diving, horseback riding, climbing waterfalls and an unforgettable cruise.
We left the house around 4am, flights took us from Pittsburgh to Baltimore and then San Jose. We were able to get both round trip flights for roughly $100! I booked my flight on points and Caline’s via Companion Pass. We only had to pay taxes & fees, hooray.
Costa Rica skydiving trip and exploring Pittsburgh.
We started the month in Mendocino California for Adam Pascu‘s wedding and spent the remainder of the month “enjoying” our first Pittsburgh winter.
December saw trips to Philadelphia, Denver, Los Angeles, San Diego and Mendocino, a very busy month.