Went down to Tambor Beach with Tsunami Skydivers again. This time, with 100% more Caline! Go look at last year’s photos when you’re done with these.
Was great seeing old friends and making new ones. Many adventures were had; Caline’s first tandem, scuba diving, horseback riding, climbing waterfalls and an unforgettable cruise.
Saturday: Travel to Costa Rica
We left the house around 4am, flights took us from Pittsburgh to Baltimore and then San Jose. We were able to get both round trip flights for roughly $100! I booked my flight on points and Caline’s via Companion Pass. We only had to pay taxes & fees, hooray.
Sunday: Skydiving & Exploring Resort
After a safety brief in the morning, we were jumping. Caline spent the day exploring the resort with the iguanas and squirrels.
Monday: Scuba Diving
Two warm water dives with the local PADI shop. Conditions were decent, we got to see a lot of puffer fish.
Tuesday: Curu Nature Reserve & Booze Cruise
Grounded due to SCUBA diving, we did some exploring. The day was split into two very distinct activities. Touring Curu Nature Reserve was an incredible immersion in local nature. The Booze Cruise, was, um… you had to be there to get it…
Curu Nature Reserve
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Booze Cruise
Wednesday: Waterfalls
Needed some downtime after the cruise, so we went to Montezuma and hiked the waterfalls.
Thursday: Horseback Riding & Exploring Costa Rica
Caline did a 4 hour horse ride and we went to a small Costa Rican town after skydiving.
Friday: Lots of Skydiving
All of the skydiving pictures are further down the page.
Saturday: More Horseback Riding & Skydiving
I started the day skydiving, then went on an hour long horse ride with Caline and finished with skydiving. Perfect day!
Sunday: Skydiving & Relaxing
Monday: Traveling Home
Caline’s Tandem
My favorite jump out of 400’ish I’ve done so far. Caline was strapped to Andy with Trish, Sven and I chasing. Built a 4’ish way round on Caline.
Skydiving Highlights
Skydiving in Costa Rica in awesome! Had some windy days this year but still got a bunch of great jumps in.